Nezach Zecharia Religious Training Center

With the recommendation and encouragement of leading rabbis, Nezach Zecharia trains rabbinical students in the halachic and practical aspects of becoming rabbis, scribes, shochtim, kashrut supervisors, and officiating at weddings.

Throughout the many years that we have been teaching these subjects, we have acquired a wonderful reputation from the impressive accomplishments and high level of the classes. Our graduates who have passed all the exams and been ordained by us have succeeded in finding respectable and well-paying jobs. In order to maintain the high standards that we have set for ourselves, we only accept the best candidates who are up to our entrance requirements.

The Center provides service to the Chief Israeli Rabbinate, the army, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Defense, the Joint and others.

Further details of our courses can be found in the Hebrew Nezach Zecharia site.

Rabbinical Ordination

Subjects Studied for Rabbinical Ordination

Wedding Officiation

Laws of Kashrut

Laws of Family Purity

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